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Sharing your story (best practices)

Answer each of the 6 questions below with as much detail. The more consise and specific you are, the more likely it is to help others when they view your story.

Answer each of the 6 questions below with as much detail/

1) Who was the pillow bought for? Select
1) Who was the pillow bought for? *
2) What was the special occasion? Select
2) What was the special occasion? *
3) What type of pillow did you choose? Select
3) What type of pillow did you choose? *
1) Who was the pillow purchased for? (select one)
2) What was the special occasion?? (select one)
3) What type of pillow did you choose? (select one)
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All About Vibe Stories

See the stories of 1,000's of customers who created a custom pillow to help the ones they love far away, feel closer to home.

Pillows gifted
Stories shared
Share Your Story
How it works:
1. Earn by submitting:

Submit a video of you gifting, or unboxing your custom pillow. You can earn up to $250 store credit.

2. Earn by sharing

After submitting, share your story with friends, family, social media. Earn $10 for everyone that buys from your link.

3. Earn by showing

We’ll share your story on our website homepage, storys page, emails, social media channels. The more helpful your story is to others, the more you’ll earn.

$ 100.00 earned
Product shown in video: 16" Shaped Pillow
Stephanie 's Story
$ 100.00 earned Feb 17, 2023
Product shown in video: 16" Shaped Pillow
What was the reason for purchasing the pillow?

A: My boyfriend John, moved to another state and is obsessed with my dog. So I ordered him a pillow of Odie holding his favorite dog toy we got him when visiting his new house and brought back for Odie. Now John will never miss Odie.

Can you describe the impact the pillow has brought after it was been gifted?

A: He smiles every time he sees the pillow of Odie and has been keep it front and center in every room he's in.

Would you recommend our custom pillows? And why?

A: Yes. This is the second time I've bought from this company and the pillows are always in great condition, prints really well and always brings joy.